PiSoc has yet another event coming up!
We’re happy to announce that we’ll be holding a Linux install party on the 16th of October! We’ll be in Horton D1.24 between 18:30 and 21:00.
Installing Linux on your personal computer is a great way to get your feet wet with Linux usage, which is a really useful skill to have in the IT industry (something to write on a CV!). If you’re taking a CS related course, you’ve probably used it in the labs by now, and have seen some of the power of Linux.
So, feel free to drop by if you’re interested in installing Linux on your computer, or if you have any Linux-related questions.
Please make sure to keep a backup of any important files on your computer, as we cannot be held responsible in the unlikely event that any data loss occurs. It’s not likely this will happen, but it’s best to be prepared for the worst-case scenario!